How uncomfortable is a cystoscopy
Cystoscopy is a medical examination process for the urologist to view the bladder and the urethra, in cases of urinary infections, or blood in the urine. This is a widely prevalent method used for both male and female patients. While the invasive process may seem to cause a lot of pain, surveys carried out says that there is minimal pain associated with the procedure. The use of anaesthesia and the modern devices used to make this as easy as possible.

How is it different from open surgical processes?
On the other hand, Lithotripter Machine which is used for abdomen-related diagnostics and bowel movement is a more invasive procedure involving pain afterward, and might even require to be dissolved with medications.
Types of cystoscopy in use
- Flexible cystoscopy is done with a cystoscopy that can bend, so patients experience no pain from the procedure. Besides numbing ointments are applied locally to assure easy movement of the device. However, having it inserted might feel a little uncomfortable, and there can be an urge to pee, but the process is quickly over within minutes so there is nothing to fear.
- Rigidcystoscopy can cause to be painful since the device doesn’t bend, but to suffice for it, either general or local anaesthesia is given, so patients usually do not experience any pain. The only step here that might hurt is during injecting the anaesthesia but post that, the process is over within about half an hour with minimal discomfort. The urge to pee may still come, but because of numbed limbs, urologists or nurses immediately provide urology disposables to help with that.
After a short while, in both cases, patients would have recovered from the procedure and can return home. The only after-effects are the need to urinate more than often and the urine might have a pinkish tinge. But these symptoms fade away in a matter of 48 hours. Apart from the discomfort during the process, it might be a little embarrassing for the patient, but urology disposables come to the rescue in such cases.
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